Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bow-wow Motor Woofs

Woof there!

Giving the Bow-wow Motor Woofs a good sniffing service

Didn't paw in blog yesterday because this TOP DOG Tuffy was busy. Preoccupied with me car and all things mechanical... like any full blooded male. Canine or human.

Anyhoos. I was just giving the Bow-wow Motor Woofs (- that's what BMW stands for in Dog Woods' Canine terms) a monthly sniff over service ... just to make sure its Motors are in running order and that there are no creepy crawlies, like mices and squirrels hiding underneath.

Under carriage inspection

Brandi being a pain in the b*** ....

My Fur Kid tried to help but Brandi (that's her name) got more in the way than anything else!! She didn't even know where or what the tools were even if I had patiently described them for her from under the car ...

As you can see from the photos I am very thorough with my sniffy works. Not only does the under carriage gets inspected, even the headlights, tyres and what-macha-callit gets a run down.

Giving the wat-macha-callit and tyres thorough inspection

Anyways, am pleased to report that car is in tip top condition and ready to be driven- thanks to my extra-ordinary canine mechanical abilities ... but since am admittedly a wee bit short (my legs can't reach those pedals!!), I have a very abled chauffer to drive me and the Dog Woods Pack around.
Ah, yes ... here she comes ...'Hullo Chief! Take me to the Pet Mart!'


  1. I think you did a pretty good job with the car. We didn't realise that BMW stands for Bow wow Motor Woofs. Make sense though.


  2. We didn't know that about BMW either! You learn something every day!
    Glad you gave the car a thorough inspection. Our mum did wonder if the inside of that BMW was like her little Beetle - covered in basset drool!!
    Have a good day all you guys at Dog Woods.
    Martha & Bailey xx

  3. Pawsome job on the car! Mum wants to know if you will check hers now?
    Big licks to you

  4. Great job sniffing there, my only job for the car is to get as much fur as possible to the upholstery inside the car.
    -Kira The Florida Siberian

  5. BOL! Mum loved your posting - made her morning! Drive on over sometime and we will have snackies!

    Love, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper

  6. What a super lovely Bow wow Motor woof! What a super thorough inspection!!

  7. Slow and methodical is how to inspect. Need to make sure everything is just right. Such attention to detail you have.


  8. BOL! You did a very good job with the car.
    ~lickies, Ludo

  9. Tuffy, you are so thorough with your car checking - you should hire yourself out - you do a better job than most of the mechanics we have around here.

    Our Dad actually had a family of mice make a massive next in his engine. What a mess that was!!! And the smell that came through the A/C in the car was horrendous!!!

    Happy St. Paddy's Day.

    Tail wags, the OP Pack

  10. Dear Tuffy, First, thanks for stopping by our Dog Blog and for your outstanding commintz regarding the evil pecan-throwing skwirls and sintz your car is in egsellent condishon pleaz get the humans to drive you over and get the skwirls there are more than in the pikture so there are enuff to go around we promise. Also, happy St. Patty's day and we have been worried about Norwood due to the Leprekanitis but Asta sez he will be OK, and we have discust this in full at our Dog Blog. Love, your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy. DOG BLOG DLOG!

  11. Oh, is this part of our duties of having a human servant -- inspecting their mechanicals? Well, why not. Put us all together and we HAVE to know more than Jan does about mechanics.

  12. Grrrreat job!

    Khan woo khome chekhk out my Xterra?

    Khyra O'Husky

  13. Woo did a great job Tuffy!! I think my mommy needs woo to come and inspect our SibeMobile. It squeeks a lot and has a ton of white hair in the back seat...not sure where it came from...*cough*

    Mya Boo Boo

  14. Hi, Tuffy!
    You made a complete inspection of the Bow wow Motor Woofs!
    You can get a job easily!
    Kisses and hugs
