Friday, March 6, 2009

Expressions of Snoopy

1. This be my counting-the-moments-to-the-next-treat expression.

2. This be my charming 'Woooo Hooo! TREATS!!' expression

3. This be what I think of the V-E-T making house calls

'WOoaAH!! GRRRR' 'Lem-me pound 'em!!'

'RUN for your lives!!!'

4. This be what I think of the Chief's DIE-T plans for Dog Woods Pack :P

5. This be my 'I need another FOURTY Winks' expression


  1. You are a dog of many faces. Great job. Ever consider acting?

    Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

  2. Looks like you have life all figured out. DIE-T stinks worse than my gas...

  3. Well, you sure know how to use your face to get through this sometimes-so-hard doggie life (for instance, when humans go out of treats).


  4. I love all of youw expwessions..I hope youw hoomans undewstand them al..I'm sposed to be on a D I E T too, and I'm not vewy happy about it GWWWWWW
    smoochie kisses

  5. Hi Snoopy - those are very good basset expressions! You could have a career in the movies with those.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Martha & Bailey xx

  6. Hi Snoppy
    I agree with Martha & Bailey, have you considered acting?
    Big licks to you

  7. Some folks have a way with words - woo have a way with the face- great job - the messages were quite clear!!!

    Tail wags, the OP Pack

  8. I quite enjoyed your expressions. =)

  9. We love your wrinkles! And isn't so convenient to be able to get your nose down to the ground - then stare up with those wonderful expressions!

  10. Hey thanx for following my blog it is a great honor!!!
    You are so cute and I love your wrinkles!!!!!
    I hope we can become best friends.
    And i am now following your blog!!!
    Travis The Dog!!!

  11. You have so many cute faces, Snoopy! The camera loves you!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  12. Dear Snoopy, Hi! Thx for stopping by our Dog Blog, and leaving such a very Two Paws UP! messig! We would not only like to be friendz, we would like to be BFFs, which stands for Best Fuzzy Friendz in case you are not familyar with the terms. Also, these are truly some of the best egspreshons we have ever seen and also, we need to tell you that your sintz of self is very impressive, in that you know egsactly what each egspreshon means! We are particulurly imprest with the "Need more treats!" look becuz we thought that LoLLy was the best at that look but you are even better! Do you get candy and ice cream and choklit with that look? Becuz whatever we do we can only manig to get a little ice cream (VANILLA!) out of that look, something about choklit being bad for dogs BLAH BLAH! So we are going to go practis it, and maybe we can get some M&Ms! Love, your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy!
