Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A minor mishap ...


Missed me? Bet you did ...loveable, adorable doggy, that I am. How can I NOT be MISSED??

Had a minor mishap the other day - which made it virtually impossible to paw my blog update.

Now how did that happen ...?

It's all a rather embarassing tale. I was strutting my stuff (when you got it flaunt it!)...then for some reason, I tripped on me long lovely velvety ears and broke an entire nail. There was blood all over the place. All quite gory and very painful. Being Lord Tuffy of Dog Woods I couldn't bring myself to howl in pain. I don't know which hurt worst, the tumble that broke a nail or my more than bruised TOP DOG ego...*sniff*
Forced to put on my most stoic dog-face - even if I was on th verge of crumbling. In times like these, its tough being the brave TOP DOG...

BIG CHIEF was quite alarmed, of course. Where there used to be a nail there's now a gaping wound in one of my pads! She's since cleaned my paw with some foul smelling concoction and rubbed on some icky-tasting ointment (I had a lick to see if it was something I could eat..) - apparently to prevent infections.
Actually, we canines have no need of noxious smelling and tasting human-made medicine. Our saliva is quite enough - our amazing healing spit! A perfect antidote/salve for all stings, cuts, wounds and injuries. So its only natural that I've been licking my injured right paw every moment I can ...

As I paw this, am now up and about - walking around as usual, abeit a little gingerly ...

That's me (a few hours ago), scuttling off the check out those DE-LI-CIOUS smells emanting from the kitchen. The BIG CHIEF is baking again ... ! Yum Yum, *smack lips* I hope she accidently burns one for me...

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